Anke is a good friend of mine, I'm also working with her in the theater. I met her and this is the information she gave me from personal memories of her mother. I know it's not the New World street, but it's the same neighborhood.
Anke's mother lived on the corner to the street Hutnikow (Grenadierstraße in this time) in the years 1945 and 1946. In that time the government was changing from russian to polish. In the same house where she used to live were jewish families. The names of the families were: Weingarten, Rubinstein (very religious) and Sokol. Everybody was talking a bit german, polish and russian. Anke's mother doesn't know where the families came from but she thinks they came from KZs. All of them were really nice. It could be that the father of the Rubinstein family told Anke's grandmother that only the germans that killed people should die and the rest is not guilty. There shouldn't be hate. The reason that Anke's grandmother came back to germany is that the red army was running after them, so they didn't have any choice but to escape to Dresden. Anke's grandfather disappeared in the war. In november 1943 he disappeared and until today nobody knows what happened to him. In those days Anke's familiy was called Neumann: the grandmother Martha Neumann, the mother Eva-Maria, or Evi, and the sister Bärbel Neumann. The Weingarten family used to have a daughter that played with Anke's mother. Her name was Anitka and she talked a mix of languages, mostly Yiddish. Anke's mother remembers clearly, that most of the jews in the neighborhood wanted to leave to Palestine or the United States.
prepared by Mey Zur
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